Interview: GORGOROTH
Title: Merciless coldness

One of the very first Black Metal-hordes from Norway at all gets back on the surface of the genre with a new album.

„Twilight Of The Idols (In Conspiracy With Satan)“ is the name of another mighty piece of scary and very authentic done Satanic entertainment. Founded by vocalist Hat, drummer Goat and guitarist Infernus in 1992, they had a long and dark way to go until now. The name Gorgoroth is taken from the famous book „Lord Of The Rings“, Gorgoroth is there a dark and lifeless field where evil dwells. Right from there bass-player King Ov Hell answeres some questions.

King, how is the feeling within the band these days and are you all satisfied with the new songs and their recordings? Can you tell me a bit about the recording-process?

„`Twilight Of The Idols (In Conspiracy With Satan)` was recorded at Earshot Studios. We were satisfied with the outcome of the recording. Because of the circumstances (Gaahl was in jail and Tormentor left the band) we were forced to do it in our hometown Bergen. In the beginning it was only practical matters that needed such a solution, but after confronting Herb (participated on mixing `Incipit Satan`) we started to believe that he could be the man for the job. So we went to his studio. We started the recordings may 2002. But Gaahl was in prison and couldn`t do the vocals before Jan. 2003. So making this record has been a long working process and I`m of course satisfied with the result. Compared to `Incipit Satan` I would say we have tightened up the sound, but on the same time it has become more brutal and complete. The songwriting process has also changed very much on this album. On the first albums Infernus did all the songwriting. On `Destroyer` and `Incipit Satan`, Tormentor helped him out. On `Twilight Of The Idols` it is in fact me that has written most of the material. Kvitrafn, the drummer, has written two of the songs, `Procreating Satan` and `Of Ice And Movement` and Infernus the outro.

Gaahl has of course total control over the vocals. To this day I never rehearsed with him before entering the studio, mainly because he`s always in jail under the writing process. Therefore we heard the complete version of the songs first in the studio. And I must say I`m very satisfied with result. A cold record without mercy! The rest is my work. Next time it might be someone else who are doing the songwriting. I know Infernus and Kvitrafn are working on something for the next album already. I have actually written four new songs to the new untitled album that I`m very satisfied with. One of them were supposed to be the title track on `Twilight Of The Idols`, but it didn`t happen.

As you know Gaahl spent over a year in prison. He`s actually behind bars again as we speak. But he`s going to be released in the beginning of August. This song is seven minutes long and in my opinion a classic. But because of the time pressure in the studio Gaahl was not able to do the vocals on it this time. But it is recorded and will hopefully be on our next release. It`s been three years since `Incipit Satan` and hopefully it won`t take three years to our next album. But you`ll never know. Gaahl is going to court again in October, so.... When we recorded `Incipit Satan` we missed the opportunity to use sound effects in a rational and functional way. When we entered the studio this time it was something we gave high priority. We wanted a raw distinct sound, but on the same time unpolished and brutal. We also wanted the benefits you get by recording the album on a ProTool-system. That gives you the opportunity to experiment a lot. The most dedicated listener will find a lot of well thought out details put in the background. As far as I`m concerned we`ll never use such elements in a massive way. We use them only to create a more brutal sound. The industrial noises we use are put in the background. It`s where they belong. Most of the noises people think are keyboards on `Twilight Of The Idols` or `Incipit Satan` is infact effects on the vocals, bass or the guitar. Or we simply go around trashing things in the studio that we sample and put in the computer.“

What has the album-title „Twilight Of The Idols“ to mean and how do you explain the subtitle, „In Conspiracy with Satan“?

„`Twilight Of The Idols` is the third record we release with a title linked to Nietzsche. I`ve noticed that some people think it`s related to Bathory, but it`s in fact a book Nietzsche wrote. If you read the book you`ll get a better understanding of the meaning of the title. In short it means that some things are good and has the right to live and some things are weak or like parasites and deserves to die. If you see the album title in light of the image on the cover it should be no problem to figure out the rest.... Nietzsche had a brilliant concept explaining the moral. The weak must define `Good` and `Bad` in order to survive. Christians do this, and of course others, because of their missing instincts that are still intact in the strong. The weak, as Christians or socialists, defines their values to them self and to their surroundings by creating a false God. When Nietzsche says `God is dead` he doesn`t mean that there is no God. He simply makes it clear that the Christian, God-image is false and man-made. In order to find truth, you have to tear the existing values down and stir them around to be able to create your own path. Therefore I believe there has to be as many Satanists as there are satanic beliefs. You must define your own `goods` and `bads`. For the weak this will lead to absolute chaos, because the values changes at all times cause there are no rules. The strong will experience total freedom, and also be able to live his life in a rational and functional way.“

Which were (and still are) the inspirations for your music and which things have influenced your creativity in the pre-time of the new album?

„The music is put together by the notes you play and the lyrics. The music is there to create an atmosphere or good surroundings if you will, for the lyrics. For me its not using a riff linked to a genre, but creating music I feel are suitable for the lyrical concept of Gorgoroth. In my opinion it’s not what you play but what you write that is most important. If you write pointless lyrics it’s hard to write good music and vice versa. So in other words I don’t have an inspiration source that I`m conscious aware of.“

What do you expect, will the old and new fans gonna say to your new release?

„My main focus is creating music and lyrics I like. If others get something out of it, it`s nice. If they don`t…. I simply don`t care!!!“

Gaahl and his sentencing to jail: What´s mainly to tell about?

„The whole matter depends on how you value the word violence. I don`t think that violence necessarily is a good thing. If the violence has no direction and has a ridiculous purpose. People performing that kind of violence should in my eyes face the most brutal consequences. But if you are the victim yourself of an aggressor or a society based on Christian flock-laws and values violence might be the right answer, and for Gaahl this is the case. The problem today is that the flock are trying to keep the ones that are living in an individual way down, by creating flock-laws, flock-values and a flock-society. This has to be fought against at all costs. A person can not find his inner truth by adapting to flock values. Therefore we must use any methods necessary, even if it includes church burning or murder. The stronger individual must be given the power to reach his potential. Most people are trying to sabotage this and must face the consequences.“

What is to tell about a discussed censorship of the frontcover-artwork, which shows a burnt church, of the new album „Twilight Of The Idols“?

„The cover is not censored. I know there was some discussions about it, but the cover is there underneath a black page you can remove.“

It looks awesome, who has it done?

„It`s in fact the same girl we used on `Incipit Satan`. Great designer and have a good understanding of our concept. Peter Beste from New York is our photographer and has of course done the photos.“

In which position of the global Black Metal-scene do you see Gorgoroth nowadays?

„I don`t know and I don`t care!“

In which spiritual powers do you believe?

„I define myself as a person with Satanic beliefs. To answer this question I have to describe how I define Satanism. Satan is the angel that was sent to hell by God. His crime was that he loved himself more than he loved God. This story created the word Satan. A Satanist is a person that loves himself more than God. In society today all the laws and values are based on Christian ethics. A Satanist will have to stir these values around to be able to create his own path. Therefore I believe there has to be as many Satanists as there are satanic beliefs. You have to give your life meaning out of total chaos. The ones who do this will experience total freedom, and also be able to live his life in a rational and functional way. The problem today is that the flock are trying to keep the ones that are living in this individual way down, by creating flock-laws, flock-values and a flock-society. This has to be fought against at all costs. A person cannot find his inner truth by adapting to flock values. Therefore we must use any methods necessary, even if it includes church burning or murder. The stronger individual must be given the power to reach his potential. Most people are trying to sabotage this and must face the consequences.“

What do you feel deep inside while acting on stage?

„I don`t want to give any emotional update concerning how one feel performing live, except the fact that Gorgoroth is best performing live. To get a right impression of what Gorgoroth is all about you have to see us playing live. Since I started in Gorgoroth we`ve become much better. It`s mainly because of our drummer Kvitrafn. He`s very reliable drummer. Too bad we haven`t had the opportunity to play live as much as we have wanted to lately. But with a vocalist in jail it`s hard. Hopefully times will change.“

What´s your opinion about the global development of hatred Christianity?

„I don`t concentrate on how others define their reality or enemies. But I don`t mind others having similar types of ideas as me. If that helps me to get rid of my enemies, it`s of course a good thing, that the hatred against Christianity seems to develop.“

Plans for the future?

„As we speak I know that we`re going to play some shows in September. The first show, after Gaahl`s release, will be under the `Hole In The Sky` festival, in our hometown Bergen, 30. August. This will be the first show with our new session guitarist Apollyon from Cadaver and Aura Noir. In the September we`re going to Budapest and also play three shows in Italy. Hopefully there will be a full European tour later on. Infernus is our contact person in matters concerning booking. I know he`s in contact with different promoters, but I don`t believe more shows to be confirmed. Ave Satan! Rege Satan! Hail Satan!“

© Markus Eck, 06.08.2003

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