
PR • Promotion • Artist Support


• Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ began in the summer of 2001, back then initially as a typical online magazine.
• If I were to add up all the hours I've put into Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ or my related projects to date, it would come to a number that seems astronomically high to me. Therefore, I honestly don't waste any thought on it, I just keep going.

• When I came into contact with AC/DC for the first time at the age of twelve through a classmate, I was immediately hooked. A short time later I heard the "Killers" LP by Iron Maiden, which I immediately transferred from vinyl to tape. I still have the tape today, and it even still runs splendidly.
• Strongly influenced by a probably 'classic' (Hard)Rock and Metal career, I began anyway as early as possible to listen enthusiastically to the early heroes of various styles. Of course it didn't stop there.
• So over the years thousands of bands and a steadily increasing enthusiasm for hard and sometimes not so hard music came into my life, which just through Metal - and music itself - has become a very conscious one.

• I was pleased to observe my own constant musical development in terms of styles and content of my favorite music. In addition to two IHK vocational trainings (metal specialist and industrial clerk), which I completed diligently and well, I discovered the writing of advertising texts and the upscale communication for myself at some point.
• And that's how I finally became what I mainly am today - PR specialist/copywriter, promoter and communicator. Today, I actually listen to everything that positively touches me and have long since stopped not giving bands my due interest just because they operate in a genre that doesn't appeal to me that much.

• Then as now, this unique music gives me much more than some may or can imagine. Music is my life. It can open important doors to oneself, if one allows it.
• Simultaneously to this passion I registered - with constantly growing displeasure - the sometimes frightening ignorance of a certain part of the music press as well as a sometimes almost frightening seeming dilettantism with which some articles or even reviews about 'my' bands were and are written. Also the truth content of the reports up to now sometimes does not reach adequately to the reality. And also the lyrical claim fulfills only very rarely my aesthetic feeling.
• So at some point I started to write my enthusiasm off my chest; at first just for myself and for friends, then increasingly more professionally.

• Over the years, I wrote several thousand reviews and interviews for Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ. In the process, in addition to my journalistic qualifications and all kinds of scene knowledge, the number of good and, above all, reliable contacts to media, labels, distributors, bands, cover designers, etc. grew.
• And at the same time, my own range of possibilities expanded more and more.
• Advertising and PR texts for band releases were also created, which were highly appreciated by the clients.
• So at some point 'one thing led to another'.

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• Many bands and musicians complained to me again and again their suffering with the sometimes severe difficulties to get their music adequately and authentically distributed and marketed specifically. That called me inevitably on the plan!
• And as a promoter, I still like to dedicate myself to self-pressings that are in need of solid and effective help without a label lobby.
• But every now and then I also get involved 'crosswise', as an additional support promoter for label releases.

• So the whole thing generated from my unbridled passion and devotion to metal and various rock styles. Meanwhile, to work with it or for it, fills me every day with great satisfaction. I do not commit myself with regard to my supervising way of working for the artists, which never lets the matter become boring. Quite the opposite!

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• My fitness as an uncritical commercial radio listener was literally over as quickly as it had begun.
• Over the years, tirelessly on the road as an adventurous explorer in almost countless sub-styles, I ventured even into the darkest Black Metal realms and obscure Folk steel haze circles.
• So my unwaveringness benefits me every time the sheep-like masses of listeners are seductively lured by the mighty recording industry again and again with all-too-fast-moving trends.
• With curious pleasure I always pierce all musical taste clichés anew.

• Most embarrassing album in the record collection:
None! What I like once, I like always.
It is the same the other way around.

• Most listened album:
Definitely "Balls To The Wall" by Accept. And no matter when, where and in which mood I listen to the disc, it just does me immeasurably good.

• Band that I used to find great, but for which I am ashamed today:
Not a single one! Who is ashamed of his own taste, no matter from what time period, even rudimentary, has simply not understood what music is essentially about.

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• As a promoter, I always try to do things a little differently than the majority of the guild; that is, primarily to transform a little more enthusiasm and emotionality into my PR texts and the promotion work itself, because in my opinion, the mass of people can be moved to more interest that way.
• In any case, as a Heavy Metaller and Hard Rocker, I have already experienced many a surprise that proved to me that the most valuable pearls often have to be fished out of very great depths.
• So there is no end in sight at all. And I will probably still be able to be experienced as a - then hopefully still mentally conscious - late retiree with my musical passion. A real passion.
• Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ together with the webzine archive has meanwhile also become probably the largest or most comprehensive one-man Metal magazine website in the world. I don't know of any other website with more content that has ever been created by a single person.
• Just a 'job' then? Not at all! That would be much too banal for me.

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• With PR, promotion, marketing and consulting, I offer my clients a comprehensive as well as content-rich range of the most diverse services.
• Whether classical PR-activities & promo work including arranging news reports, reviews, interviews etc., targeted label or distribution search or individually incoming consulting and support activities:
due to my years of active practice and experience on a broad basis, I have well-founded competences as an expert on many levels.

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• Primarily I prefer independent and passionately made music, that counts for me primarily. Perfection or perfect ingratiation to a particular trend I do not demand at all. But honesty and sincerity!
• The wide range of Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ reaches from (Hard)Rock and Heavy Metal over Gothic Metal to Melodic Death Metal, Black Metal and Metalcore. And in between, as you know, exists a lot of styles.
• I work with my promo & PR services exclusively for music, bands, content, attitudes and images that can inspire and excite me personally - this is the only way to create real enthusiasm, this is the only way to achieve productive results according to my attitude.
• In no case I work or cooperate with extremists, no matter what kind.

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"The collaboration gave the band great visibility, much more than we had anticipated. Markus works with passion and commitment and can be compared to a band member for how he is always careful to get the most out of it - we even wrote him his own song!"
(Jonathan • CELTIC HILLS)

This has never happened before:
with the song homage "Metal Message" the Italians CELTIC HILLS pay tribute to my merits as a promoter.

Jonathan 'Thunderbuilt' Vanderbilt felt multiply inspired during the songwriting for the 3rd album "Huldufólk" by our close, communicative exchange and the unique stories of my many years as a Heavy Metal enthusiast.

After all, in addition to gigantic musical passion and fully consolidated attitude, both sides also share a spiritual, intimate connection to Mother Nature - which comes to the fore in the music video by the word crossing "Hearth": "Heart' & 'Earth". Therefore I can also be seen on my hikes and rambles in the video.

The core of the song's lyrics sings about my work and my creativity, with which I have been active in the wide music universe since the early 1980s - as a kind of Metal time traveler like the world-famous "Dr. Who".

Markus Eck
Head of Metal Message ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ • Est. 2001

Musikalischer Zeitgeist

In den 1930er Jahren hieß es, Blues sei das gefährliche Werk des Teufels.
In den 1940er Jahren hieß es, Jazz & Swing seien beängstigende Auswüchse des Teufels.
In den 1950er Jahren hieß es, Rock'n'Roll seien die bösen Klänge des Teufels.
In den 1960er Jahren hieß es, Beat sei die unreine Musik des Teufels.
In den 1970er Jahren hieß es, Rockmusik sei der verderbende Sound des Teufels.
Tja, und seit den 1980er Jahren heißt es, Heavy Metal sei eine diabolische Ausgeburt des Teufels.

Was der viel Gescholtene in früheren Jahrhunderten gehört hat, ist nicht offiziell bekannt.
Scheint jedenfalls gerade in den letzten zehn Dekaden wirklich ziemlich musikalisch geworden zu sein, der ewig kecke Kerl ...
(Markus Eck)

Musically Zeitgeist

In the 1930s, Blues was said to be the dangerous work of the devil.
In the 1940s, Jazz & Swing were said to be frightening excesses of the devil.
In the 1950s, Rock'n'Roll was said to be the evil sounds of the devil.
In the 1960s, Beat was said to be the devil's impure music.
In the 1970s, Rock music was said to be the corrupting sound of the devil.
Well, and since the 1980s it has been said that Heavy Metal is a diabolical spawn of the devil.

What the much-maligned heard in earlier centuries is not officially known.
Seems to have become really quite musical just in the last ten decades, the eternally perky guy ...
(Markus Eck)