96 / 100
➤ "... has exceeded expectations ... an outstanding album in every respect ..."
(Serbian Metal)
9,5 / 10
➤ "... highly talented combo ... irrepressible energy ... this band and this album are very special ... especially the guitar work is absolutely breathtaking ..."
9,5 / 10
➤ "... technical and enormously multifaceted Thrash ... brings plenty of freshness ... wonderfully multi-layered ... modern, elegant and terrific pressure ... the refined guitar solos work excellently ... never before have you heard Thrash and Alternative to Progressive in this combination ... insanely good ..."
(Zephyr's Odem)
14 / 15
➤ "... a strong band ... the last album 'A Pill Hard To Swallow' caused quite a stir in the underground ... with 'Novo Oružje Protiv Bola' the Belgraders go one better ..."
(Legacy Magazin)
93 / 100
➤ "… a true gem of technique and complexity … extraordinary sensitivity … able to play with emotions as only the best progressive can do … never fall below an excellent level …"
(Heavy Metal Heaven • Italian Videozine)
9 / 10
➤ "... not only recall the highlights of classic Techno-Thrash from Toxic to Coroner and Realm to Megadeth, but also have tasteful melodies in the style of Coheed And Cambria, Rush or Billy Talent ..."
(Rock Hard)
9 / 10
➤ "Hectic Thrash that bursts upon the listener with the first bar like a swarm of hornets on the warpath ... elegant, squiggly bar changes, enough hooks not to lose the song thread and a vocal that is able to set wonderfully melodic points of contrast ... absolute banger ..."
(Powermetal DE)
9 / 10
➤ "... this time a level of quality is reached, which is not sufficiently illustrated by any exclamation mark ... kidnap both fans and not-yet-fans into really new spheres of Thrash Metal ... to bring so much creativity under one hat requires an immense amount of discipline ... from time to time more little things penetrate the ear, which raise the pleasure to an ever new level ..."
9 / 10
➤ "… a well-balanced affair when it comes to melodies, heaviness and pure technical bad-assery. These guys really are serious when they say they play progressive Thrash Metal. Intertwined structures, chances of pace and heaviness as well as an understanding for dramatic structures and tension building are only a few tools these people use so well to forge their songs."
(Reflections Of Darkness)
9 / 10
➤ "… works very well after a short familiarisation phase …"
(Darkscene AT)
4 / 5
➤ "... just riffs massively, each track bringing memorable moments to the table … infectious vocal lines … powerful rhythm section … an excellent example of the balance QUASARBORN are able to strike between almost poppy melancholic catchiness ..."
(Sputnik Music)
87 / 100
➤ "... this album just riffs massively, each track bringing memorable moments to the table … QUASARBORN are able to strike between almost poppy melancholic catchiness – the clean intro, the multivocal harmonies in the chorus – and crushing distortion …"
(The Metal Archives)
8,5 / 10
➤ "... partly remind of old Forbidden, who joined forces with Vektor in a parallel world ... goes quite to the point ... the songwriting is so varied that one does not shy away from catchy choruses ..."
(Deaf Forever)
8,5 / 10
➤ "Two months after its release, I still can't stop listening to this album at least once every other day, and it's become one of my go-tos in the gym. Even if you're not into Thrash, I would recommend 'Novo Oružje Protiv Bola', as it combines enough influences to keep the pickiest of listeners satisfied."
8,4 / 10
➤ "... a perfectionist precise performance, sometimes breakneck, sometimes slower, dictated by drummer Marko Danilović Tihi … poignant and articulate vocal attacks, in the already known impressive range ... unobtrusive riffs that skillfully maneuver between progger Thrash outrageousness ... already puts QUASARBORN on the list of candidates for the regional Metal album of the year ..."
8 / 10
➤ "... technical Power/Thrash Metal with melodic and powerful vocals, for the first time in the local language ... straight and progressive, melodic and aggressive, traditional and contemporary at the same time ... tons of riffs ... great, catchy melodies ... the interplay is scary tight and the production fat and powerful without being overloaded. The band has done everything right!"
8 / 10
➤ "... very interesting album with really awesome riffs ... technically and melodically very multifaceted ... a versatile Tech Thrash disc ... worth listening to ..."
(AMMO Supports The Underground)
3,8 / 5
➤ "... usually like technical Thrash, this time they have opened up more to other influences, which is definitely a strength of the record. The almost poppy flair of 'Voz', which can definitely be called a hit, fits just as well as the Death Metal influence in 'U plamenu' or the passionate-melancholic flair of 'Manja se' ... edgy, precise riffs ... interesting songs ... insider tip for Thrash fans who like to let their eyes wander away from the big metropolises ..."
(Handwritten Mag)
7,5 / 10
➤ "... most of the time you can expect Thrash Metal with a difference, possibly also incorporating influences from Anacrusis, but playing the melodic card in the chorus ... sometimes it just needs a drum storm or just inspiring guitars ... once they even push forward into extremely European customs in Speed Metal ..."
7,5 / 10
➤ "… definitely good and particularly pleasing to the listener's ear where the lyrics are often expressed with a clean and very melodic approach, especially in the beautiful refrains that characterise the songs … very high technical and executive stature, but they never end up in sloppy note-bending or cerebral patterns of dubious efficacy and sense, allowing the listener to enjoy a test of great class and taste … splendid solos … a small pearl of originality … brings fresh air …"
(Heavy Metal Webzine IT)
7 / 10
➤ "... a solid Thrash album that hits high peaks with its dichotomy of catchiness and ferocity … there’s nothing lacking … maintains a pretty break-neck pace overall, however, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to check out what’s thrashin’ over on the Balkan peninsula … Thrash Metal with a distinctly European flair!"
(The Progressive Subway)
➤ "... the band is able to surpass themselves and exceed all expectations ... fresh impulses ... will make your heads bang and your brain cells work ... versatility meets technical sophistication ... have refined their craft once again ... complex, technically demanding and at the same time catchy, a rather rare combination ... total work of art ..."
(Metaller DE)
➤ "... with nine rousing songs, you are literally drawn into the world of QUASARBORN ... invigorates the senses and can inspire ... more than just good Thrash Metal ... an impressive work that takes the band to a new level ... the versatility of the musical elements, coupled with profound lyrics, make 'Novo Oruzje Protiv Bola' outstanding ... appeals to both Thrash fans and lovers of more sophisticated music ..."
➤ "… a really cool album … something that can best be described as Progressive Thrash or Technical Thrash - but bottom line, the genre doesn't matter, because it sounds good … the band knows what buttons to push to make it all work in the best possible way … hopefully more people will discover QUASARBORN …"
(Rancor Metalzine)
➤ "... bring a breath of fresh air to a Metal subgenre that I consider a little worn out ... for breathless headbanging ... an album to change your mind about Thrash Metal with ..."
(Metal Addicts)
➤ "… a Thrash Metal band that incorporate both Alternative and Progressive Metal details into their specific form and delivery … for those who find such a blend of elements to come across as generally interesting this is an album that should be quite the interesting one to become more familiar with …"
➤ "... masterpiece ... not only mandatory programme for Thrash fans, but also for friends of sophisticated Metal ... fabulously good ..."
➤ "This caught me off guard, fierce technical Thrash with a really strong energy and loads of hooks. Heaps of fun!"
(The Heavy Communion)
➤ "... a small masterpiece of contemporary, extreme Prog Metal ... far more than just a cool Techno Thrash record ... with their style and in this quality QUASARBORN should actually open doors with rather old school listeners as well as with followers of more modern Prog Metal sounds. If not, there is something very wrong here. Another candidate for the best list 2023!"
➤ "… an album I would definitely recommend anyone with a penchant for Thrash to check out …"
(Metaltone DK)
➤ "This caught me off guard, fierce technical Thrash with a really strong energy and loads of hooks. Heaps of fun!"
(The Heavy Communion)
➤ "… plenty of technical gimmicks ... nothing to listen to on the side ... the strong vocals and many catchy melodies hold everything together well ... gives the songs more recognition value ... the production is extremely successful ... everything sounds very fat ... you can hear the drums at every second that they are real - a rarity with such a style ... very impressive album ..."
➤ "... the skills are remarkable ... an excellent album that grows with the listening, full of details and ideas to be grasped with each repetition ... I really appreciate the vocals in the mother tongue because this gives personality and a very special feeling to the pieces ... nine pieces of fast, technical, extreme but also melodic, sometimes experimental metal, where every instrument comes into its own ... very interesting!"
(The Murder Inn)
➤ "... brisk Thrash rhythms ... the guitar is pushed to the limit ... powerful sounds ... not just bludgeoning, but very varied ... so fans of the genre should take their time to listen to it ... maybe for one or the other it's exactly what jumps out at them …"
(Metalmamas Neuigkeiten)
➤ "With a mix of Thrash, and Progressive Metal, QUASARBORN also keeps its fresh with a variety of vocals, layered nicely with some heavy, chunky riffs. One of the coolest, freshest solos I’ve heard in awhile and great looking music video completes 'Urobor', a great song …"
(Wanna Hear A Great Song Today?)
Album Of The Year
(Metal Pedia)
Action: | QUASARBORN |
Title: | Novo Oružje Protiv Bola |
Base: | Belgrade • Serbia |
Style: | Progressive Technical Thrash Metal |
Genre: | Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Technical Thrash Metal, Power Thrash Metal |
FFO: | Forbidden, Vektor, Nevermore |
Type: | Full-length |
Format: | CD + Vinyl |
Label: | Doc Gator Records |
Release: | Sept. 15, 2023 |
On May 10, 2013 the - not only stylistically - enormously independent formation has released the current album "Novo Oružje Protiv Bola" first digitally; but this time the more than ever ambitious originators had in mind a much wider distribution of their music.
After QUASARBORN's first two albums were released with English lyrics, the band experimented with lyrics in their native language on the two pre-released songs "Ne mozes imati sve" and "Novo oruzje protiv bola". And this was quickly so well received both in their homeland and by the international audience that QUASARBORN decided to record the entire album in Serbian.
But QUASARBORN have also evolved musically:
"It's not just technical Progressive Thrash Metal anymore, there are influences here that range from pop music to brutal Death Metal, and it's all wrapped up in a recognizable QUASARBORN style. Everyone contributed to the songs, many guitar riffs were written by Tihi and Dimitrije, and Tomas contributed some nice bass passages and solos - unlike our first album, where I still wrote most of the material", says mastermind Luka about the making of "Novo Oružje Protiv Bola".
"Novo Oružje Protiv Bola" was recorded as well as mixed, produced and mastered by Luka Matkovié at Citadela Studio in Belgrade between December 2021 and April 2023. The cover artwork, as original as the songs themselves, was designed by drummer Marko Danilovic Tihi.
On the song "Od kolevke do rova" Danilo Trbojevié from Serbian Crossover Thrashers Nadimac can be heard as a guest vocalist and actor Lazar Dukié is responsible for the recitations on this song and in "Menja se".
"Novo Oružje Protiv Bola" as an album truly ventures far beyond the plate - a welcome, cultivated treat, and not only for Thrash gourmets, who are hereby served a feast as opulent as it is rich in variety.
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